Why carsharing?

Why use CAR4WAY carsharing in Prague?
Fuel is included in the price and you can park all over the city in paid parking zones.

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    Parking in zones

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    Don't worry about the blue and purple zones. Parking in these zones is FREE at the end of your reservation.
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    Don't pay anything extra

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    The costs of owning a car are rising all the time - insurance, servicing, sudden breakdowns, fuel... If your car is just outside your house most of the time and you don't use it, why pay all these costs? For car sharing, you only pay for what you actually drive.
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    24/7 self-service system

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    Thanks to our self-service system, your car is at your disposal whenever you want and immediately. You book the car yourself, open it and go. You don't sign a loan agreement, you don't put down a refundable deposit and, most importantly, you don't have to turn up at a pre-determined location. You save yourself a lot of time.
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    Free carsharing

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    Even returning the car is entirely up to you. You can return the car anywhere in the designated area. You can easily find the location in our app or on our website. So it's no problem to rent a car on one side of town and return it on the other.
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    A car on every corner

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    You can see our cars everywhere, as we have up to 1,000 cars. We keep increasing their numbers so that you can always find a shared car near you.
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    Always drive new cars

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    With our car sharing services, you can be sure that you won't be driving a car older than one year. Mileage is also limited. So you can rely on the car being in the best possible condition and not letting you down even on longer journeys.

How does it work?



Complete the registration easily within the app.

We will verify data, and should the registration be OK, and we will send you a chip card either by mail, or you can pick it up at one of the CAR4WAY points, depending on the method you selected during the registration.

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Choose your car on the map

In our map, which you can find in the app and on the CAR4WAY website, you can find the car closest to you. You can either choose from all our models or filter only your favourite. You can also see on the map the fuel level of the car and how far it is from your current location.

Download app

Book your car

Once you've chosen a specific car, it's easy to book it in the app. Once you've successfully completed your booking, you'll receive a text message with the exact location of the car, its license plate number and the PIN for your fuel card.

Download app

Drive without worries

You can easily open the car by using your phone. Just tap the button „Start“ in the app. Press "Start/Stop" button and you can go.

Questions about refuelling, parking or other operational issues? We'll answer all your questions in our FAQs.

Frequently asked questions Download app



Choose your car on the map


Book your car


Drive without worries

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    Complete the registration easily within the app.

    We will verify data, and should the registration be OK, and we will send you a chip card either by mail, or you can pick it up at one of the CAR4WAY points, depending on the method you selected during the registration.

    More info Download app
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    Choose your car

    In our map, which you can find in the app and on the CAR4WAY website, you can find the car closest to you. You can either choose from all our models or filter only your favourite. You can also see on the map the fuel level of the car and how far it is from your current location.

    Download app
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    Book your car

    Once you've chosen a specific car, it's easy to book it in the app. Once you've successfully completed your booking, you'll receive a text message with the exact location of the car, its license plate number and the PIN for your fuel card.

    Download app
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    Drive without worries

    You can easily open the car by using your phone. Just tap the button „Start“ in the app. Press "Start/Stop" button and you can go.

    Questions about refuelling, parking or other operational issues? We'll answer all your questions in our FAQs.

    Frequently asked questions Download app

Longer loans

All CAR4WAY cars can be rented and taken on a trip or holiday.

Ideal for this are convenient bundles from 2 hours to 7 days.

How much will a 2-day trip with CAR4WAY cost you? You can find all prices directly in our app, where you can also take advantage of special tariffs with discounts of up to 22%.

For more information, see the FAQ.

Journey abroad

Carsharing abroad? Sure.

With CAR4WAY, you can go all over the European Union, but there are a few necessary steps to take. Please inform us of your planned trip abroad at least 3 working days in advance at info@car4way.cz.

We will issue you with a permit to take your vehicle abroad. The foreign exit permit must be in the car when you travel abroad. This permit serves as your protection in the event of a possible police check. If you need to lock the car during an extended loan, use the car key to do so. By terminating on the mobile app, you would end the entire reservation and would not be able to book the car again.

Click and go

Mobile application

Keep your fleet of cars with you at all times. Download the free CAR4WAY mobile app and book a car whenever you need it.

You can also see all the details about the car in the app, including its fuel status and its current distance from you.

Just choose a car, book it and go.

Google Play

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Google Play

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